BEYONCÈ—Queen B! is expecting TWINS

Hey Guys,

It has been a while but I can honestly say this is the best way to break in the new year. First of all, with #BlackHistoryMonth starting a lot has already happened and a lot more is going to happen. With only a few hours in, Nicki Minaj posted a picture with Drake which has been trending on social media platforms like twitter and Instagram for a while and  Meek is getting all the heat from this duo. It looks like #youngmoney is dropping some heat this year and we are all for it!!!.


And now, for the reason we actually opened this post lol, Beyoncè is pregnant with TWINS!!! and all I can say is “YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I am soo here for this”. Quen B just announced with hubby Jay- Z that they are expecting twins. This is honestly the best way to start #blackHistoryMonth because she is the Queen B. Truth is, I am not a crazy #beyhive but I do love me some twins and I hope she is expecting twin boys. The mom-to-be looked beautiful in a red bra, blue ruffled underwear, bright pink lipstick and a green veil. Bey posed on a throne of flowers, which is perfect for the goddess that she is. She made the announcement today which took the world by storm literally. The Queen posted the picture on the Instagram page with the caption –

“We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. –The Carters,”

Blue is finally going to be a big sister and we can’t wait to meet the little Carters or should I say “rainbow” and “red” (lol you never know with these celebrities)


2017 just started and a lot of things already have us off our seat, Buckle up guys. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


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