Tag Archives: Inspiration


Hey Guys,

So for a while now I’ve always wanted to be a beauty blogger and it’s been a long time coming and i can finally say, that i have POSTED MY FIRST EVER MAKEUP VIDEO. I still have a lot to learn and I’m open to suggestions and criticism . I know this video is not perfect but heck it to me a damn long time editing lol. Thank you guys for taking your time to watch my video. Please don’t forget to like, subscribe and share. Thanks again for your support it means a lot to me.


Thank you again.

see you soon…



Personal Development

Passions and Ambitions pursuing..

Our passion is the powerful feeling of enthusiasm we all have inside us. Whether in secret or not we all have that one thing we do whole heartedly. For some its music, dance, arts, or even teaching. Before i further evaluate i must talk about success. It is usually associated with wealth, fame or whatever. True success is not about the $. To be truly successful you have to do what you truly desire even tho it does not generate as much income as other professions that are compelled on my the public or in worse cases parents(we all know its true most times).

“PASSION is is the genesis of genius”

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